Pick up this new skill and discover a way of exercising that can make you feel fitter, more toned and full of energy. Once you've mastered the technique in a few lessons, you'll be able to Nordic Walk in town or country, at home or on holiday and either solo or with one of the fun and sociable Midlands Nordic Walking groups. With the correct technique, you can feel the whole body getting a workout, with the abs and back muscles being activated; people often comment how it loosens up their stiff back. Nordic Walking has a calorie burn off up to 20% more than ordinary walking at the same time, which means it's an easy way to lose weight. Gentle on the joints - it's the ultimate 'green exercise'.
Learn to Nordic Walk Workshops 1 hour
Booking is essential. Please email, text or phone us. Nordic Walking workshops last 1 hr. The instructor will provide you a pair of special Nordic Walking poles to use in the lesson. Please use the contact us form if you would like more information. The fee for the times in the above timetable are £13 if part of a group or £20 for 121 tuition. If you would prefer a lesson at another time, the fee is £40.

Private lessons 1-2-1 or group
If you'd like to have a go at Nordic Walking but non of the above dates fit your diary, then why not arrange a private lesson with one of our instructors. This can be a 1-2-1 or for a group of friends or colleagues.
Contact us with details of where and when you'd like this to take place.
Do I need to bring my own poles?
No, your instructor will provide poles.
What should I wear?
Trainers or shoes suitable for walking on grass. Any clothing that's comfortable for you to walk in and is suitable for the weather.
Do you cancel if it rains?
We only cancel if thunderstorms, high winds, heavy snow or black ice are forecast.
How fit do I have to be?
As long as you can walk you can Nordic Walk. Technique workshops are delivered at a very slow pace.
Where do you meet?
You will be given the current meeting place once you have booked your first workshop.
I am very unfit or have mobility issues, which class is most suitable for me?
Saturday 2pm Attenborough Nature Reserve
Can I join a group without doing a beginners workshop?
There's a lot more to Nordic Walking that meets the eye. It takes 1-4 lessons to learn the technique and to gain the maximum benefit from your time exercising.